October + November 2015 | Atlanta, Hampton, College Park


Develop and execute a promotional strategy to drive awareness of the ESSENCE College Tour and increase positive engagement onsite and on social media with a millennial audience.


We knew that it was important to connect with college students via their most trusted source—their peers and where they interact the most—on social media. Our targeted approach included

  • strategic partnerships with the Office of Student Affairs on each campus, student organizations and newspapers, influencers and other leading communities with an engaged following;
  • encouraging school pride by asking students to express their creativity and school spirit on Instagram with #EssenceonCampus; and
  • brand ambassador street teams pre-event and onsite.


  • 1.8M+ promotional impressions (social, online, email marketing)
  • Influencer engagement pre, during and post with Styled Chic and The Cut Life
  • HBCU Buzz partnership, the #1 source of HBCU News, Sports & Entertainment: live tweeting, social integration and special tour-themed videos and polls with Miss Clark Atlanta and the President of UM Success at the University of Maryland
  • Her Campus partnership, the #1 global community for college women: social media posts with local @HerCampus ambassadors and student orientation guides
  • Email blasts to over 11,000+ college students
  • Clark Atlanta University students’ Panther Pride video garnered 820 likes and 115 comments for @Essence on Instagram