April + July 2018 | NYC, Los Angeles


Design and activate a highly interactive, engaging and educational booth experience at Beautycon Festival that showcases the new Sally Hansen brand and “Self-Made Beauty” positioning.


A modern, on-trend, fashion-inspired studio apartment that immersed millennial festival-goers in an “always-on salon at home” setting. The booth environment created a compelling, creative space for influencer and consumer-generated content and positioned Sally Hansen as a trusted source of beauty expertise.


  • 1.4M+ multi-channel social media impressions
  • A 3D “LA” photo experience made out of Sally Hansen Insta-Dri nail polish (exclusive to BCLA)
  • Insta-Dri nail polish, Airbrush Legs and Sally Hansen branded premium giveaways
  • DIY nail design and nail care trial engagements
  • A digital mani-cam photo experience
  • Exclusive meet and greets and nail art with influencers and popular nail artists